Pregnancy Symptoms – What’s Normal & When to Worry


Pregnancy is full of changes, and while many symptoms are common, some may indicate a problem. Understanding what’s normal and what requires medical attention is essential. This guide, inspired by What to Expect When You’re Expecting, will help you navigate your symptoms.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms (Normal vs. Worrisome)

🔹 Morning Sickness: Normal in early pregnancy but seek help if you can’t keep fluids down (hyperemesis gravidarum).
🔹 Fatigue: Normal due to hormonal changes, but extreme exhaustion could signal iron deficiency.
🔹 Mild Cramping: Normal as the uterus expands, but severe pain could indicate miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
🔹 Spotting: Common in early pregnancy but heavy bleeding should be checked immediately.
🔹 Swollen Feet: Expected, but sudden swelling in hands and face could indicate preeclampsia.
🔹 Frequent Urination: Normal, but burning sensation or pain could mean a UTI.

When to Call Your Doctor

🚨 Severe abdominal pain or cramps
🚨 Heavy bleeding
🚨 Severe headaches or blurred vision
🚨 Sudden swelling in hands, face, or feet
🚨 Decreased fetal movement (after 20 weeks)

Final Thoughts

While many symptoms are normal, always listen to your body. If something feels wrong, call your doctor. Staying informed helps ensure a safe pregnancy!